Archivo – Imagen de archivo de una erupción volcánica en Islandia

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Finalmente, y después de varias semanas de una inusual actividad sísmica que presagiaba una inminente erupción, el magma ha salido a la superficie en Islandia. La Oficina Meteorológica y Sismológica de Islandia (MET) informó en las últimas horas de este lunes que a las 22,17 horas GMT un volcán hizo erupción a cerca de 4 kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de Grindavík.

La erupción del volcán en Islandia está disminuyendo, según la Oficina Meteorológica

Fotografía cedida hoy por Defensa Civil de Islandia donde se observa una erupción volcánica al norte de Grindavík (Islandia). La Oficina Meteorológica y Sismológica de Islandia (MET) informó en las últimas horas de este lunes que un volcán hizo erupción a cerca de 4 kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de Grindavík. EFE/ Defensa Civil de Islandia (almannavarnadeild)/ SOLO USO EDITORIAL/SOLO DISPONIBLE PARA ILUSTRAR LA NOTICIA QUE ACOMPAÑA (CRÉDITO OBLIGATORIO)MÁXIMA CALIDAD

La erupción del volcán en Islandia está disminuyendo, según la Oficina Meteorológica


Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- A general view shows the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, as seen from Reykjavik, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- An onlooker stands by the shoreline in Reykjavik to watch the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- A general view shows the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, as seen from Reykjavik, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- Onlookers gather by the shoreline in Reykjavik to watch the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- Onlookers gather by the shoreline in Reykjavik to watch the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula after weeks of intense earthquake activity


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- Onlookers gather by the shoreline in Reykjavik to watch the volcanic eruption that started near the town of Grindavik on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland, 19 December 2023. The start of a volcanic eruption was announced by Iceland’s Meteorological Office on 18 December night after weeks of intense earthquake activity in the area. (Terremoto/sismo, erupción volcánica, Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK

Iceland volcano erupts on Reykjanes peninsula


Reykjavik (Iceland), 18/12/2023.- An onlooker by the shoreline in Reykjavik watches the volcano eruption near Grindavikk on the Reykjanes peninsula, Reykjavik, Iceland 18 December 2023 (issued 19 December 2023). The Icelandic Meteorological and Seismological Office (MET) reported late 18 December that a volcano erupted about 4 kilometers northeast of the town of Grindavik. An evacuation order for the population of Grindavik was issued earlier this year on 10 November 2023 following seismic activity and indications of considerable magma movement in the area. (Islandia) EFE/EPA/ANTON BRINK